Tagged: Lee Siegel

These words are for you

Hello again, sorry for the fairly sparing output lately but that’s how it goes sometimes I guess.  Since the last time I logged on with a full report I have been throwing the ball very well.  I have now strung together five good outings and have gotten on a bit of a role.  I have finally established my fastball consistently for strikes with my slider and split-change complimenting it well of late, which has helped me cut down on the walks and increase the number of swings and misses I’m getting, which obviously has a fairly predictable affect on my overall results.  Unfortunately our team results over the same period have been a bit more up and down as we have gone 3-7 in our last ten games.  Earlier in the year we basically couldn’t lose, but of late we haven’t capitalized on opportunities as frequently as we had earlier in the season and have also run into some good opposing pitching.  The good news is that despite our overall poor results of late everyone is still playing hard on a day to day basis, we still maintain our position atop the Eastern League’s Southern division and there is a lot of baseball yet to be played.


Off the field there has not been a whole lot to report.  At the behest of my obsessed girlfriend I saw the new Star Trek movie about a week ago, and I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed it and it has launched me into some extended viewing of the original Star Trek television series.  Admittedly I still find the idea of dressing up in pointy ears and attending conventions to be patently absurd, but the original show has an appeal quite unique from that of most other television shows.  The superficially phony sets and special effects underlie a program that, in my opinion, is far more human and real than any “reality” program to be currently found on television.  I must admit that despite never having previously paid much attention to Star Trek I have always thought Leonard Nimoy was one of the coolest guys out there.  As a poet, author, photographer and just generally cool character I’ve always admired him so seeing him in the role that made him famous has been pretty cool.  Aside from watching Star Trek I’ve been engrossed in my usual reading, working on a couple novels my Jack London, the very interesting The Art and Politics of Science by former Nobel laureate and director of the National Institutes of Health Harold Varmus, as well as a book particularly relevant to this blog.  Against the Machine: Being Human in the Age of the Electronic Mob by Lee Siegel is a clear and forceful indictment of the blind faith placed in technology, with the internet and the blogosphere in particularly square in its sights.  It is the best book on the internet I’ve read in years, if not ever, because it departs from the norm in attacking both the internet and the blogosphere head on without smacking of sour grapes.  As a blog writer myself I found it to outstanding and I would highly recommend it.  And now, as is my wont from time to time, I will end with a poem.  Until next time.



That Everything’s Inevitable

by Katy Lederer


That everything’s inevitable.

That fate is whatever has already happened.

The brain, which is as elemental, as sane, as the rest of the processing universe is.

In this world, I am the surest thing.

Scrunched-up arms, folded legs, lovely destitute eyes.

Please insert your spare coins.

I am filling them up.

Please insert your spare vision, your vigor, your vim.

But yet, I am a vatic one.

As vatic as the Vatican.

In the temper and the tantrum, in the well-kept arboretum

I am waiting, like an animal,

For poetry.


Perfect end to the road trip

Hello again.  It has been an eventful week since I last checked in.  I’ve had two good outings and most importantly I’ve started to feel like I’m throwing the ball the way I am capable of throwing it.  It finally feels fluid and natural, whereas for about the first month of the season I felt like I was fighting myself physically on the mound.  It was just a matter of time and work, but nice to have that behind me (hopefully).  As a team we just wrapped up an eight day road trip to Altoona, PA and Trenton, NJ.  We took four of five games from Altoona and had the interesting experience of having one of my roommates (Randy Newsom) get traded to the Pirates, who assigned him to…the Altoona Curve.  So he pitched for us one night and against us the next night, which was different to say the least.  The Trenton series was a pretty non-descript series overall…except that another of my roommates (Jeanmar Gomez) threw the first nine inning perfect game in the Eastern League since 1943.  I threw the last three innings of a combined no-hitter with Hector Rondon in 2007 and that was an amazing feeling, so I can’t imagine how great it must feel to not only take it another notch up the ladder to a perfect game but also to go the distance yourself.  It was an awesome game to watch and couldn’t happen to a nicer guy.


The time away from the field on this road trip was not anything to write home about.  There wasn’t anything of note within walking distance of the hotel either in Altoona or Trenton.  Well, Altoona did have a Target and Walmart so I guess that was pretty cool.  Trenton was fairly disappointing, because despite being right downtown there really wasn’t much there at all outside of some hole in the wall shops and restaurants that all battened down the hatches against what appeared to be the coming apocalypse at 7 p.m. (it was kind of scary after dark).  I did find a used book store in Trenton about half a block from the hotel, which for me is kind of like winning a small lottery jackpot.  I love used book stores because they each have a completely different inventory and I can always find either a new book I’ve wanted to read for super cheap or just a random book that I figure I might as well buy and look through because it’s $1.  However, after about an hour of rummaging through old books and grabbing four or five books I happened to glance at the prices and realized that clearly this particular establishment did not understand that the idea of a used book store is not to find a bunch of cheap books and then mark them up to the original sale price.  So bottom line on this trip was that I had a lot of sitting around time and read, which I did a lot of and I managed to finish off The Rights of Man by Thomas Paine, Hannibal Rising by Thomas Harris, and Dogs of God by James Reston, as well as putting a dent in Against the Machine by Lee Siegel.  All very good books and a hats off to teammate Ryan Edell for recommending Dogs of God, a very insightful history of the Spanish inquisition and the extermination of the Moors that I would highly recommend to anyone and everyone.  Anyhow, if I get going on literature I probably won’t be able to stop myself so I’ll call that enough for now and I’ll be back with more in the upcoming days.